Investing in Gold Bullion Coins

Purchasing Gold Coins as an Investment
More and more people from all over the world are investing in precious metals and there are several reasons why many people choose to add gold coins to collection. While the economy continues on an unstable path many people are choosing a more stable investment to put their trust in. Since 2000 the return on a gold investment has been at an average of over 16%. While fiscal cliffs can create a great deal of worry, the value of gold stays strong and continues to increase.
A lot of people new to investing in precious metals have many questions they want answered and many of these questions can be found on the Internet. A few of the most commonly asked questions are: Why should I invest in gold? How do I get started with my investment? How stable is this investment?
Regardless of your initial investment budget there is always a way for everybody to get started with precious metals investing. Any buyer can get started with as little as a few dollars since there is no minimum amount required. You can start by checking for the current value of the coin and then buying the piece either in person or over the Internet.
Buying gold coins is fairly simple and the easiest way to get started is by starting out with a small purchase. You can purchase gold coins at a fraction of an ounce, which are easy to fit into a collection as well as easy to store. Coins are not only going to be easier to store than gold bars but they are also going to be a lot easier to sell. For those investors with a smaller budget, there are some coins that can be had for under $100. Often times a complete collection of coins will fetch you a greater profit than a single coin.
Coins receive their value based on their metal content as well as a collector's item and their value can grow based on the coins appearance. Numismatic or rare coins receive their value based on its rarity and weight. If you are given paperwork on your coin be sure to keep it in a safe spot and also take caution in how you handle your coins because the more damage a coins appearance gets the less valuable the coin will be. Buying gold coins that you are almost certain will appreciate in value over time are great buys.
Investing in Gold Eagles
For those who are considering investing in gold coins, Gold Eagles are a great starting point. These coins are readily available and can be purchased in space saving tubes or individual packaging. It does not take numismatic knowledge to determine the value of these coins or whether they have grown in value or not. They are also not easily counterfeit.
Gold Eagles are the official bullion coin of the United States and legally can only be produced with gold that was mined in the U.S. The Gold Eagle made its debut in 1986 and has a gold composition of 91.67 percent and is 22 karats. The rest of the coin is made up of 3 percent silver and 5.33 percent copper, to provide the coin with strength and prevent it from getting scratches and marring. They are available in the 1/10oz, 1/4oz, 1/2oz, and 1oz size. Gold Eagles are backed by the United States government for their weight and purity, which are measured in troy ounces. Troy ounces is the measurement that is used to price and weigh precious metals.
The legal tender face value for the various sized coins are $5 (1/1 0 oz.), $10 (1/4 oz.), $25 (1/2 oz.), and $50 (1 oz.). The value of Gold Eagles is not based on their face value but rather their precious metal content. The only difference between the various Gold Eagle coins is their size and weight, they all have the same obverse and reverse design.
Gold Eagles position as the official gold bullion coin of the United States is found in the imagery, which refers to family and the American spirit. The obverse design of this coin is a modified version of Augustus Saint-Gaudens Striding Liberty. This design was originally used on the Double Gold Eagle that was minted from 1907 to 1933. The design on the reverse side of the coin was created by Miley Busiek, which features a bald eagle holding an olive branch in his talons, swooping down towards an eagle in a nest with her hatchlings.
Gold Eagles are available for purchase in both uncirculated and proof versions. Proof versions were released earlier to either be archived or to check the dies. You can distinguish a proof coin from other coins due to their sharper design and rim.
Gold Eagles are a great addition to any investment portfolio, whether you are wanting to build a solid portfolio or augment other assets. Gold Eagles are a very liquid asset and do not need to be assayed to determine their purity. They make great portfolio diversifiers because they work opposite of other assets such as stocks and bonds, meaning if one is up in value the other one is likely to be down and vice versa, this creates less risk.
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Day Trading Success - With Pivot Points, Support Resistance and Moving Averages

If you want to make money day trading then you will need to have some indicators that work and the above are very popular.
Lets look at them and see which are the most effective.
The logic of day trading
Is of course to predict where prices will go in a daily or hourly periods.
The Market
The market consists of trillions of dollars traded by millions of participants daily, all with different methods and trading objectives.
This creates volatility which in a day can see prices go anywhere and is totally random and very few of these participants are interested in daily moves or ranges.
So what does this tell us?
Quite simply that pivot points, support and resistance are useless tools in such short time spans.
If volatility and price moves are random they can't help you predict market direction.
Now you know why:
You never see a day trader with a long term track record of profits its always a hypothetical one!
The only way you will ever make money in day trading is in hindsight you certainly wont see a real winning record over the long term.
Moving averages can they be used?
Well I saw a few systems and e-book promotions using moving averages to trigger trades and laughed out loud at how serious they were about doing this =.
Moving averages are a lagging indicator!
So how on earth can you use them to enter trades?
These guys said they were traders but it was pretty obvious they had never traded in their lives.
Most day trading systems are sold by writers who have never traded in their lives.
They want you to buy their books and systems that's how they make their money NOT from trading.
Day Trading
If you want to lose it's a great way to do it!
There is no better way to lose money than day trading, its fantastic at wiping out equity and doing it quickly.
Applying technical tools over meaningless random data will not bring you success.
There is a lot of hype about day trading.
Investors fall for a good story due to being naive and greedy - don't make the same mistake.
On all aspects of becoming a profitable trader including features, downloads and some great FREE Trading PDF's visit our website at

How to Buy Gold In Any Market


Expert Author Valery Celestin
There are a number of reasons why someone would choose to buy gold coins. Coin collectors buy them to add to their collection and investors buy to add value to their investment portfolio. Gold is considered to be a safe investment today for those who are worried about their stock investments and it is a passion for many people who simply love owning gold coins and bullion.
Those who are passionate about gold collecting should find a reputable dealer for all of their gold purchases. The dealer that you purchase your gold from should be a member of the Professional Coin Grading Service. 
Unless you are an expert about gold, dealing with someone who is not a member of the gold grading service might land you with some counterfeit gold in your collection.
Investing in gold requires some careful consideration just as any other type of investment. Remember that the price of gold is always going up and down. The gold that you choose to buy now may not have that same value in the future. You must be able to determine if you believe that the price of gold will go up or if you will wait until it comes back down.
Gold dealers will also be selling gold above the market value. This is how they make their profit and it is certainly an acceptable practice. Do some investigation of the gold market before you invest your money. This will help you to make an educated guess on whether the price of gold will continue to climb or if you should hold off for a little while.
Timing is everything with investments. Remember the old adage, buy low and sell high.
One of the reasons that gold has become so valuable today is the current state of the economy. As more people are worried about the value of their cash, they are turning to something that will retain some value no matter what happens to the paper currency. These investors realize that their gold may go down in value or up even further, but they are investing as an insurance against a catastrophic collapse of the economy.
Be aware that there are some unscrupulous dealers that are taking advantage of that sentiment. Make sure that you are buying your gold from a dealer that has been in business for longer than twenty minutes. Actually, you should look for a dealer that has been in the gold market for years and has a reputation for fair dealing and solid performance.Investors everywhere are looking for ways to increase the value of their portfolios and gold might be the answer. 
Determine the amount that you want to spend each month on your gold investment and only spend that amount. When you make a solid commitment to gold investing, you will not be bothered by the up and down swings in the gold market. A good investment strategy will require you to diversify your investments and gold and precious metals are certainly one of your options. 
For more details on acquiring goal, check Regal Assets because I find them very reputable when it comes to buying or selling precious metals.

Are You a Gambler or a Trader ?

Expert Author Alwin Ng
Growing up in a family where my dad always reminded us that gambling - from card games to Mahjong (see Wikipedia for description) - was a waste of time and money. Hence, I never quite understood the feeling of loving to gamble. Mind you, being Chinese (a Malaysian born Chinese) myself, I know that the Chinese do have a bad reputation for loving to gamble, some even joked that it is in our blood to gamble (quite an embarrassing joke).
Because of that (fortunately), I never knew how gambling felt like. More specifically, I never knew how it felt like compared to trading. In fact, I've often wondered what it was like to have a gambling addiction or why people would stay up all night (at the casino) with some major losses.
I didn't quite understand all of that until the recent Chinese New Year (CNY) - celebrated between 31st Jan until the 14th Feb 2014. Due to the long holiday break and in the spirit of the festive season, the CNY has traditionally been used as an excuse by some to gamble amongst friends and family. This year was no different. However, since relocating back here for awhile now, I finally got to experience the ritual in a more exhaustive manner.
While the experience was fun, the learning about gambling was invaluable (from a trading point of view). With that, I hope to share some characteristics of a Gambling Trader and hopefully you'll be able to remain focused towards becoming a professional trader.
The Gambler's Zone
I don't think there's any point in hiding this from you and I believe you already know that trading can become an addiction too. Just like gambling, the person who is addicted to the activity is usually unaware of it happening. In other words, the act of being addicted to trading is an unconscious behaviour. Like any addicted gamblers, they have no idea when they began having the urge to bet and they don't realise that the put all their focus and energy into finding the ultimate bet.
Before you get carried away, I'm not here to teach you about gambling. On the flip side, I genuinely hope all of you would take a step back and ask yourself, do you have the urge in placing trades (as oppose to just analysing the market)? Or do you feel that you need to trade whenever the market is open? If the answer is yes, then you could be at the verge of becoming a trading addict.
Trading addiction is neither wrong nor is it a bad thing on its own. However, having an addiction is an early warning that you're heading towards becoming a gambler because, just like gamblers, traders who are addicted to trading have a tendency to trade all the time. In fact, they have vivid memories of what the last trade was and they have strong emotions towards those trades - irrespective of a wining or losing trade.
That's not the worst yet. Because things can really goes pear shaped when the trader over trade and that they have no idea why they are placing any more. They tend to break all trading rules and they usually never look at their trading account. This is also when traders go into the zone - just to be clear, this is not the professional trading zone that I usually talk about, but I am referring to the gamblers zone.
Focus on the Becoming A Trader
Reading this right now means you are well aware of your situation and you are not a gambler. In fact, it's not about that any more because the fact that you now understand what to look out for (the feeling of having the urge to gambler), you have already stepping away from becoming one. You see, merely having the awareness of your emotions and your trading progress is already a great place to be in. In fact, from now onwards, keep that in mind and make sure to check your status every now and then.
Once you have that locked in, now all you need to do is to focus on what you want instead. In fact, I believe what you really want is to be in a professional trading zone. Right? That's the ultimate goal to become a successful trading, isn't it? So ask yourself, what do you need to do instead?
In case you're not aware of what you need to do, I think it might worth writing this down.
1. Focus on Creating The Right Set of Rules
You need a set of rules that will govern how you trade and when you trade. More importantly, focus on a set of rules that tells you when to shut down your charts. Just a polite reminder, sometimes, the hard thing to do and the right thing to do are usually the same thing.
2. Focus on Your Trading Edge
As Mark Douglas states it - "An edge is nothing more than an indication of a higher probability of one thing happening over another". Hence, to become a successful trader, you need to work on finding your edge instead and to find ways to have a higher probability of winners in the longer term. Trading all the time is not it.
3. Focus on the Right State-of-Mind
I have talked about having the right state-of-mind on several occasions. However, the most important thing about that is not what I said. Instead, it is about what you believe and what you think is important to achieve calmness and certainty in your trade.
Gamblers always stress, panic, worry or think twice after they place a bet, wishing and hoping that they made the right decision. Professional traders has no question about their trades because they took the trade knowing exactly why they entered the market before they enter.
Today's article is about understanding what it feels like just before becoming a trading addict. Please don't get me wrong, I love to trade and I used to be an addict too. However, having the awareness and being able to step away from it will save you from becoming a trading gambler. More importantly, is it not being always in control the ultimate goal of a professional trader?
Anyway, thank you for reading and please share your comments below.
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Adjusting Indicators for Downtrends

Expert Author Martha Stokes, CMT
The uptrend and downtrend are not mirror images of each other, nor can you use the exact same indicators, indicator period settings, or subordinate indicators. Many retail traders assume that if they learn the upside price action that when the trend turns down it is just the opposite price action. That is why so many traders struggle to exit stocks before the trend tops and runs down. In addition it is why many retail traders who try to sell short as well as options traders who buy puts, take so many losses in their trading.
If you are a position trader, you will be trading the uptrend and sideways trend. If you are a swing or day trader you must trade the uptrend and downtrend, and adapt for the sideways trend. Swing and day traders must be able to take advantage of both the upside and downside price action to net profits, that are close to what a position trader can achieve. However, the position trader will generally always have far higher returns.
The sell side or downtrend is very different from the uptrend or sideways trend because there are fewer market participants. Giant pension funds and giant mutual funds do not sell short. They may buy option puts or ultra-bear ETFs, as a hedging or mitigating strategy when the market goes down as they are longer term investors. Smaller lot investors, most institutions, corporations, billionaires and other wealthy individuals and foreign funds do not sell short.
High Frequency Trading Firms, Professional traders, and some retail traders sell short or use options to make profits during a downtrend. That is why the downside trend is so very different than the upside or sideways trend. The downtrend often has much steeper angles of descent immediately causing a severe drop in price, and often gaps as HFTs trigger on news events. The Downside also has larger rebounds as it bounces off of support.
A common mistake that many investors and traders make is to use a percentage stop loss. Since everyone in these groups all use the same percentage stop losses, there are many strategies used by HFTs and other professionals that cause these percentage stops to trigger. When this happens many retail traders get very angry, because the stock usually hits the stop loss then rebounds back up.
Many retail traders assume this is the "market maker" searching for their orders and taking out their stops. Instead it is the "Cluster Order Syndrome" which triggers HFTs and other algorithms, searching for orders that are clustered around a percentage. As a stock drops, stop losses are triggered and the stock plummets.
The above chart shows a how a 10% stop loss triggered a huge down day. It was driven by very high volume, which is the foot print of HFTs and sell short automated orders. These trigger on algorithms designed to locate cluster orders.
The downtrend behaves very differently than the uptrend because not all of the 9 market participants sell short. More than half of the market participants hold stocks for the long term. On the downtrend, algorithms dominant and many search for anomalies in order flow called "Cluster Orders."
When retail investors, retail traders, small funds, and other groups all use the same percentage such as an 8% or the more popular 10%, it creates a huge cluster order at that price range. Algorithms can search for these cluster orders that then cause huge sell downs, because of the combination of selling short AND stop losses firing off at the same time. The stock plummets within seconds often when the stop losses trigger all at once.
Martha Stokes, CMT Chartered Market Technician and CEO of TechniTrader® The Gold Standard in Stock Market Education. For information on Indicators for Selling Short go to: (c)copyright 2014 Decisions Unlimited, Inc. dba TechniTrader a registered trademark

Trading Forex Online? Forex Social Trading Networks

Expert Author Martin Grippen
Forex online has become popular in the last couple of years. The online platforms are more user-friendly today than they were years ago. They provide the users on the platform with tools that can be useful in finding pips that can gain a profit.
As a beginner and less experienced in the Forex market it can be difficult to find an entry point and exit point. It can also be difficult to find which currency pair that is in an up-trend and which one that is in a down-trend. Even with the tools the platforms offer it can be difficult and time-consuming to learn the various tools to know. In addition, it also requires some knowledge to choose the right one that fits in the actual market situation.
This is properly one reason Forex social trading networks have become popular. The networks are a part of the online platform and the purpose is to share information, follow and copy trades.
One benefit from a Social network is copying others trade and being copied. Another benefit is the knowledge and skills they obtain from the trader information they share.
Forex is analyzing the market. Is the currency curve moving up or down? It's the same problem when a member of a Forex network copying another member's trade. Instead of analyzing the currency curve is it the members' performance curves. When a member is analyzing a member's performance curve he will look at whether there are stable earnings and whether it has been up-ward for the last 3 to 6 months. The information is usually in percentage and therefore it is important to include the number of trades that have been made during the same period as the percentage represent.
Analyzing others performance in a Forex social net is also called social financial analysis. It is important to understand how to analyze the performance as it is similar to analyzing the trend in the market. The purpose is to find pips that gain a profit.
It is also important to understand that being a part of a Forex Social trading network and coping others trades has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. It is necessary to be aware of the risks. One way to minimize the risk is to start with a small amount of money and then increase the money amount. In other words place 2 or 3 percentage of the investment capital on a Copy Trade and if the trader that is being copied generates a continuous profit increase the percentage of the investment capital.
Visit my Forex website and see how a Forex Social Network works and start copying others trade.
Watch the video on my Forex website and click the join now button on the video after you have watched the video. At the social trading platform is another video explaining the idea of copying Guru Trader trades. The video is at the top to the left.

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